
Android Custom Alert Dialog Example

Dialog is a window that provides information, some decision or enters additional information to the users. Most of the dialog has a title, message and some decision condition. In this article, I will show you how to display/show custom alert dialog in your android application.

Android Custom Alert Dialog ExampleCreate an Android Project

It is very easy to display dialog to your application. Let’s start by creating a new android project to show custom alert dialog to your Android application with following information:

Application name: Custom Alert Dialog Example
Company Domain: viralandroid.com
Package name: com.viralandroid.customalertdialogexample
Minimum SDK: Android 2.2 (API 8 Froyo)


Modify Activity Layout File

Add a button to your activity layout file. After adding button to your activity_main.xml file, it looks like this.

Now, you have to create a new xml file in your layout directory to show custom dialog in your app. Your custom dialog layout will look like this.

Modify Your Java Activity

Here is modified java code of MainActivity.java file.

Now, run your application and click Show Custom Alert Dialog button there is a dialog appeared which like below.

Android Custom Alert Dialog Example
Android Alert Dialog Box
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