
Zoom In Animation in Android

Android view animation is the basic animation in android and also easy to implement in application. Android animation can be used in many ways. View animation can be defined either in XML or java code.

In this android zoom in tutorial, you will learn to implement Zoom In animation in android application using XML and little bit java code. In this android zoom in example project, I have used an ImageView and a Button.

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Zoom In Animation Example: How to Implement Zoom In Animation in Android

To implement zoom in animation in android from XML, first we need to create xml animation file in res/anim/ directory and following is the xml content of anim/zoom_in_animation.xml file.


XML Layout File


Java Activity File


Strings.xml File


That’s all. Now, run your android zoom in application and click the Start Zoom In Animation button.


Zoom In Animation Example: How to Implement Zoom In Animation in Android
ZoomIn Animation

XML 5722272784707610776
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