
Dialog Libraries for Android Project

A dialog is a small window that can provide message to the users. You can easily implement alert dialog to your android application by adding third party library or by writing a little bit code. Here, I have collected some beautiful dialog libraries for android project.

Android Custom Alert Dialog Example
Simple Android Alert Dialog

Best Dialog Library For Android

Android Material Dialogs

1. Nifty Dialog Effects – Dialog for Android Project

Get Nifty Dialog Effects on GitHub

2. Material Dialogs - A Beautiful, Easy to Use and Customizable Dialogs

This is a beautiful, easy-to-use and customizable android dialogs library, enabling you to use material designed dialogs. It supports android API 8 and up.

Get Android Material Dialogs Library on GitHub

3. Easy Dialog - A Lightweight, Flexible Tip Dialog in Android
This is a lightweight, flexible tip dialog library for android project. You can easily customize dialog style, location, background color, animation, etc. You have to add com.github.michaelye.easydialog:easydialog:1.3 dependencies.

Get Android Easy Dialog on GitHub

4. Sweet Alert Dialog - A beautiful and clever alert dialog for android project

Switch Alert is another beautiful android library with different alert dialog options. Dependencies: compile 'cn.pedant.sweetalert:library:1.3'.

Get Sweet Android Alert Dialog on GitHub

5. Dialog Plus - Advanced Dialog Solution for Android

Get Dialog Plus on GitHub

6. Alert Dialog Pro - Custom Android's Dialog

Get Android Alert Dialog Pro on GitHub

7. Flyco Dialog Matser - Supports API Level 8+

Get Flyco Dialog Matser on GitHub

8. Qustom Dialog - A Quick Custom Android Dialog Project

Get Qustom Dialog on GitHub

9. Android Dialog Builder - Strong Scalability and Customizability Dialog Library

Get Android Dialog Builder on GitHub
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