
Adding Circular Progress Ring to Android FAB (Floating Action Button)

A circular progress bar is used for many purposes in android application. It is used to show progressing/ongoing task status to the user and it is also used at the time of loading, refreshing, etc. We can see ProgressBar being used by music player app. So in this tutorial, you will learn to implement circular progressbar ring with floating action button (FAB) in android app.

Using circular progress indicator with android floating action bar is tricky part. We are going to use progress bar with fab using an android library.

Material Design Circular ProgressBar For Android
Android Floating Action Menu Example
Adding Floating Action Button (FAB) Between Two Widgets or Layouts

Android Example: How to Add Circular Progress Indicator with Floating Action Button

Open your app build.gradle file and add compile 'mbanje.kurt:fabbutton:1.+' dependency under dependencies. Build.gradle file will look like below.


Now, you have to add a view in your app XML layout file and give it an id and class to mbanje.kurt.fabbutton.FabButton indeterminate is false, fbb_autoStart is true, scr for image to show inside progress ring etc. Following is the complete content of XML layout file.


Following is the default content of java activity file.


Android Example: How to Add Circular Progress Indicator with Floating Action Button

That’s all. Now, run your Adding Circular Progress Ring to Android FAB (Floating Action Button) application, you will see different circular progress bar in different positions and icon at the middle of the progress circle ring.
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