
Android Auto Complete using AutoCompleteTextView and MultiAutoCompleteTextView

In this tutorial, I am going to show how to develop auto complete suggestion in android using AutoCompleteTextView and MultiAutoCompleteTextView without typing all characters of word. AutoCompleteTextView suggests a word to the user and MultiAutoCompleteTextView suggests multiple words. These both auto complete textview completes the words which are stored in the program.

In the XML layout file, I have placed a AutoCompleteTextView and a MultiAutoCompleteTextView to develop auto complete sentence application.

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Android Auto Complete Word Example using AutoCompleteTextView and MultiAutoCompleteTextView

XML Layout File


Java Activity File


Strings.xml File


Now, run your Auto Complete android application and type the words which are stored in java file.


Android Auto Complete using AutoCompleteTextView and MultiAutoCompleteTextView

Android Auto Complete using AutoCompleteTextView and MultiAutoCompleteTextView

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