
Implement Zoom Effect in Android ImageView Images

In this tutorial, I am going to show how to implement image view images zoom effect in android application. Implementing zoom effect in android ImageView images is not very easy, it’s little bit complex. You can find same type of project in android developer site, inside Building Apps with Graphic and Animation topic.

When you touch or click on the image it starts zooming, this type of zooming animation can be used in photo gallery. To make zoom in image in XML layout file two ImageView components are used; one for thumbnail and another for large image. The large imageview is for full screen size and small imageview is for thumbnail size.

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Android Example: How to Implement Zooming Effect in Android ImageView Images

Here you will find all necessary code to make zoom in android image view images. There are only two important files; one is XML layout file and another is java activity file and then you have to add one image in your project drawable folder.

XML Layout File

Following is the complete content of XML layout file, here you will find two ImageView inside FrameLayout.

Java Activity File

Following is the complete content of java activity file to make android ImageView images zoom effect/animation. This is little bit complex. You can copy and paste in your project directly for first time.

Strings.xml File

Following is the default content of strings.xml file.

How to Implement Zooming Effect in Android ImageView Images

You have done all things. Now, run your Implement Zooming Effect in Android ImageView Images project and touch on the image, image will start zoom in with animation. Make sure that you have added an image in drawable folder and name it cat or replace cat with your image name in XML layout file and java activity file.
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