
Android Material Design Tabs Using TabLayout

Android Design Support Library makes us easy to make android application by providing numbers of material design components. There are many material design components including Floating Action Button (FAB), Snackbar, Navigation Drawer, Tabs, etc. which can easily be implemented to our application with little bit code. In this tutorial, you will learn to implement material design tabs using tablayout and design support library in your android app.

TabLayout also have many more attributes and which are very important. Here I have used toolbar and some other design support library components.

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Android Example: Making Material Design Tabs Using TabLayout

Let’s start by creating new android project and give the project name Material Tabs Using TabLayout in Android.

Step 1: Adding Design Support Library Dependencies

First thing you have to do is opening build.gradle fie and adding android design support library dependencies: compile 'com.android.support:design:23.1.0'


Step 2: Adding Color Values

Open your app colors.xml file and add the below XML color values.


Step 3: Modifying Theme

Open styles.xml file and add the below content.


Step 4: Modifying XML Layout File

Now modify your XML layout file. Here I have added DrawerLayout, CoordinatorLayout, Toolbar, AppBarLayout, TabLayout, etc. Simply you can copy and paste the below content to your XML layout file.


Important TabLayout Attributes

Fore Center Fixed: tabMode=”fixed”, tabGravity=”center”
For Scrolling Tabs: tabMode=”scrollbar”

Step 5: Working With Java Activity File

This time is to work with java code. Open your app java activity file and just add the following code in your java activity file.


Android Example: Making Material Design Tabs Using TabLayout

That’s all. Run your Android Material Design Tabs Using TabLayout application, which will look like the above screenshoot.
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